understanding your Enneagram type

our first program focuses on understanding personality within the context of the Enneagram. we get to know the personality types in terms of their strengths and weaknesses and glean insight into the psychological aspects underpinning them.
integrating personality

the Enneagram is one of the most potent tools for self-development. in this program we look at the aspects which tell us what psychological integration is and then focus on general principles of maturing.
awareness of personality

when we want self-development, we need to know which aspects of our personality to focus on. this program explores healthy and unhealthy personality and self-motivation to help guide focus.
the objects of attention

in this program we focus on understanding the homeostasis of each type, which gives us our first understanding of how to self-regulate. we also look more deeply into identification and conclude with a reflective practice.
the instincts

we now look more deeply into the psychological processes of personality and learn about the instincts of each type. this helps us understand the most basic driving forces in our personality and how to work with it.
the trance of unconscious living

in this program we look at the most habitual and ingrained habits of each type, with the intent to understand the energies which drive our thought and feeling processes. and remain aware of them.
psychological defenses and shadow work

each personality has some potent psychological defense mechanisms, which we cannot be aware of until pointed out. this program focuses on these defenses and one way to turn the process around. becoming more conscious.
coping mechanisms

in this program we explore two more types of Enneagram triads that help us better understand how we react during stressful situations and what we should be aware of to more skillfully approach and resolve conflict.