what do we mean by "presence"?

in our first program about this topic, we look closely at what it means to be present, and what gets in the way. we then explore some of the qualities that arise as presence grows and matures.

four energetic states of awareness

to stay present in difficult situations, and not be overcome by our reactions, we can use the four states of energetic awareness. in this program, we learn how to recognize and cultivate each of these states through formal practice, and ultimately bring this awareness into our daily lives.

nonviolent communication

practicing nonviolent communication enables us to express our feelings, including anger, and needs clearly and compassionately, and also receive the same from others. we work, not against, our anger — an interior signal to explore the subtler feelings and unmet needs behind it.


in this program we explore what self-compassion is, and what it is not. we walk through various practices that develop our self-compassion in working through trauma, in relationship and in meeting difficult emotions in our everyday lives.