the three triads in the Enneagram types

major themes in the three triads
triads are important in transformational work because they specify where our chief imbalances lie. they represent the three main clusters of ego defenses and reveal the principal ways in which we identify with our interpretation. it is only through mindfulness and self-awareness that we may come to see these patterns and choose to step beyond our personality boundary. this “stepping beyond our boundary”, simply put, means that i can accept and work with situations which before may have been avoided or reacted to.
action/body triad — types 8,9,1
major themes
maintaining resistance to reality • boundaries based on physical tension • problems with aggression and repression • unconscious of interior rage • attempt to use will or power to affect the world without being affected by it.
concerned with
resistance and control of environment
issues with
aggression and repression
hidden motive
seeks autonomy • unconscious rage
direction of ego boundary
8: outward, against environment — acts out rage.
1: inward, against own impulses — represses rage.
9: both inward and outward, against threats — denies or represses rage.
feeling triad — types 2,3,4
major themes
concerned with self-image • attachment to idealized self (seen as actual identity) • underneath defensive ego lies hidden shame – therefore, seeking attention and affirmation • true feelings are substituted by reactive feelings.
concerned with
love of self and self-image
issues with
identity and hostility
hidden motive
seeks attention • unconscious shame
direction of ego boundary
2: self-image presented outwardly towards others — wants to be wanted.
4: self-image presented inwardly towards self — wants to be different.
3: self-image presented both to self and others — wants to be perfect.
thinking triad — types 5,6,7
major themes
concerned with anxiety • experience lack of support and guidance • engage in behaviors believed to enhance their security • underneath ego lies deep fear of not having or being enough, and of pain.
concerned with
knowledge, strategies, and beliefs
issues with
insecurity and anxiety
hidden motive
seeks security • unconscious fear
direction of ego boundary
5: flee inward due to fear of outside world — going it alone.
7: flee outward due to fear of inner world — seeks substitutes for maternal love.
6: flee inward to avoid external threat and outward to avoid internal threat — seeks protective father.
adopted from Riso and Hudson: Wisdom of the Enneagram