integration for type 8

wing 7 integration

type eights fear vulnerability, and therefore try to remain in control, so that they can exercise their sense of justice. this causes them to come across as serious, powerful, and often demanding. their natural impulsiveness, as well as their denial, can leave others frustrated and exhausted. immature type eights are typically unaware of their impact and will be reactive when informed. through integrating their type seven wing type eights become more light-hearted, spirited, and independent. they can now be adventurous in their personal and their occupational lives. they can work hard, but also try new things just for the sake of enjoyment. their vision broadens into a balance of urgency and planning.

wing 9 integration

type eights can be very intense in their reactions. in the immature type eight these explosions can impact seriously on relationships. by integrating the type nine wing, the type eight becomes interpersonally warmer, calmer, and less reactive. they can now listen to others more deeply and regard others’ agendas with as much respect as their own. rather than bullying, the mature type eight is consensus oriented and can work well with others. their impulsiveness is balanced with groundedness. the mature type eight can relax into letting things happen, rather than making them happen.

release point

integrating mature type 2 qualities

type eights typically struggle to be feeling oriented until they integrate their release point: type two. immature type eights find the sentimentality and helpfulness of the type two threatening to their sense of need for survival and urgency. just like all the other types, the maturing type eight begins to notice the boundaries imposed by its own triad. the type eight matures into finding its release point in the helpful and attentive qualities of type two. they become careful about the ones they care for and begin to access their own emotions more deeply. even when integrated, the type eight may be helpful in a different way from the type two, tending to focus on physical well-being. in the process the type eight develops greater gentleness, empathy, and openheartedness. as a result, they become softer and less afraid of their vulnerability.

stress point

overcoming immature type 5 qualities

in deeply stressful situations the type eight can suddenly present like the immature type five. where the type eight typically relies on intuitive action, the immature type five is withdrawn and lost in fretting. the type eight is now isolated, secretive, and cut off from their own gut sense. the type eight has a long journey towards overcoming this reaction, but when they have done so, they become more self-reflective and anchored in their own being. their ability to focus increases and, like the mature type five, they can explore their capabilities beyond their occupation. the mature type eight very much takes on the form of the mentor. as they are keenly aware of the reality of others, they know how to guide.

non-resourceful state

when type eights are under stress, they try to be tougher, more aggressive, and more in control. if their influence doesn’t work, they may turn their power against themselves, beat up on themselves, get depressed, and withdraw. the type eight now believes that they are somehow bad, and this badness is too vulnerable to be exposed to others. instead of exploding, they implode and isolate themselves. they feel inadequate and unable to change their situation. they may intellectualize instead of developing true empathy with themselves. they may also further exaggerate their independence and not allow others to support or comfort them.

resourceful state

when type eights are in a resourceful or relaxed state, they believe that life is essentially just, and that justice will come about without their having to seek vengeance. they become more trusting of others and respect their being as much as they demand respect for their own being. they use their power to build others up and help them, rather than intimidating or pushing them. when in touch with their tender, gentle side, they become compassionate with themselves and others. they personify the saying: “there is nothing stronger than true gentleness and nothing gentler than true strength.”  “i am, therefore i am powerfully present” replaces “i am, because i can control.”

recommendations for type 8

summarized from Riso & Hudson, Lapid-Bogda