integration for type 5

wing 4 integration

the type five’s primary fears are intrusion, not knowing enough, and lacking energy. these sensitive types withdraw into their small space and keep life simple, with few possessions. they know a lot about their areas of interest, but this knowledge can be devoid of any emotional understanding. this can lead to experiencing the five as intellectual, arrogant, and aloof. with the integration of their type four wing, type fives expand their curious capacity into emotions. they become more sensitive to the emotional content of conversation, and more expressive of their own emotional experience. their aesthetic sense may also expand. their thoughts now connect to feelings, and they realize that actual relationships can be as exciting as theoretical interests.

wing 6 integration

in their work engagements, type fives typically prefer the introverted way, limiting contact with others and getting lost in the expansion of their theoretical understanding. they can become moody and angry when the depth of their understanding is not shared by team members, or when they’re pressured to provide an answer before being given sufficient opportunity understanding the situation. by integrating their type six wing, the type five becomes able to engage more readily with other team members. they also become more loyal and intuitive. they can now speak and think on their feet, and with increased spontaneous insight. consequently, they become more courageous and assertive.

release point

integrating mature type 8 qualities

one key distinction between the type five and type eight is that type fives will meticulously plan, while type eights will take intuitive (gut) action. as the five accumulates a better understanding of the landscape around them (whether that be academic, social, or otherwise), they may experience a release in integrating mature type eight qualities. they will be more inclined to act assertively, based on their “gut sense.” they can now be forceful, self-assured, and headstrong in advancing their interests. this is no longer the typical approach of the immature five. they no longer fear not knowing enough, and therefore do not experience it as a reckless charge into action. in their mature form, depth of knowledge can be uncovered in the moment, through questions, and the best decision becomes visible, based on their knowledge. they now think-feel on their feet and discover that their fear of not having enough is replaced by gaining enough through intuitive connection. the five becomes aware that it is not so vulnerable. they also realize that their overplanning and overcaution actually feed their fear and exhaustion. they now have a stronger action orientation, with increased personal power and courage.

stress point

overcoming immature type 7 qualities

when in a stressed state, the plans and observations of a type five tend to break down, putting them in an impaired condition until they can have alone time to process and gather themselves. their thinking becomes scattered, resembling the disorganized thinking of the seven. they lose the focus that they normally depend on. for the five’s sensitive body, stress is analogous to a fever. whilst unpleasant, it also helps to reset their system. temporary conditions of stress allow for the type five to develop the capacity to recognize that they are overthinking, and to refocus. they begin to trust themselves more deeply, and the fear of not having enough capacity wanes. the type five now takes on the qualities of the mature type seven, becoming more playful, and readily participating in high-visibility roles and engagements. they are no longer the observer from afar, instead becoming the observer in the moment.

non-resourceful state

when type fives are under stress, they double down on their tendency to remove themselves and retreat deeper into intellectual and theoretical understanding. they feel inadequate and fearful of being exposed for not knowing. the type five feels it has no contribution to make to the situation and withdraws to process. in this state, they become contemptuous of others rather than reaching out to them. they see the uninformed other as a threat. they fear pain and avoid it. instead of being assertive about their view, they rationalize or trivialize other views. they get into more knowledge, instead of acting, and distract themselves or space out instead of focusing, deciding, and acting.

resourceful state

when type fives are in a resourceful or relaxed state, they are in contact with their personal power and energy. mind feels energized and capable and type fives are now more embodied and aware of their feelings, decreasing the need to isolate themselves in thought. they’re enabled to participate actively in situations, and they feel they can make a difference. the type five now matures into connection, engagement, and learning from experience, rather than from theories. they become clear boundaried, more able to own their emotions and take care of them. they ask for what they need and let go of what they don’t need. “i am, therefore i think and am connected” replaces “i think, therefore i am”, and “i think in order to figure out how i’m supposed to be and how i’m supposed to get connected.”

recommendations for type 5

summarized from Riso & Hudson, Lapid-Bogda