
we start our growth journey through practicing mindfulness. not the five-minute kind, but the all-day kind. as we get to know our personality, we use mindfulness in working with our defensive patterns and emotion regulation. for the sake of maturing, learning about ourselves and others becomes part of our daily attention, and we become more skillful. this section provides knowledge and practice on mindfulness, personality, listening and speaking, emotional intelligence, and working with our trauma, recent or past.

as we become more mindful and realize that we are more than our thoughts and feelings, we start longing to be more present. this authentic self becomes embodied as we live, act, and speak from present awareness. in meditation we learn to stabilize our attention, develop subtle knowing, and come to know-feel our being. we recognize the strength of self-compassion, and through these practices come home in ourselves. we don’t need to turn away from difficulty anymore, and we can face challenges.

having learned much about ourselves, and reality, we arrive in being-knowing, or awareness, as our authentic self. this “self” is beyond right/wrong, bad/good, this/that. it is aware, and has the capacity of living and dying consciously. in this section we will present some of the work from different spiritual teachers, whom we know to teach non-dual truths and practices. this section also provides wisdom expressed as poetry.

we have travelled through different perspectives and recognize that each “self” simply dissolves into the next, and can be let go of. growing and conscious-making are continuous, and in the process ego or my identified self, burns off. times of transformation can be the most painful experiences in our life. and we are continually disillusioned. how do we manage the dark valleys and take deep care of our minds and hearts? in this section, we provide poetry, selected by theme. we can be reminded of beauty and heart-opening understanding.